Biodegradable Amenities
We care about the environment as you do. Introducing the range of Bio degradable resort amenities to go green while not compromising your quality parameters.
We are very proud to be the first in Maldives to introduce complete bio-degradable and environment friendly range under the "Go Green Movement" initiated by our partners SR Luxury which focuses on "ZERO WASTE" in manufacturing industry. Right from the outer packaging to the ingredients and the final product is completely environment friendly and a boon for resort industry. This whole new range is crafted and dedicated for the "LOVE OF MOTHER EARTH."
We along with our manufacturer come up with eco-friendly, biodegradable bottle amenities in order to reduce the resorts carbon footprint. The features of the new bottle amenities include: PSM corn starch, biodegradable bottles, post-consumer recycled boxes, soy-based inks, minimal packaging, vegetable soaps, low fragrance, minimal preservatives, and 100% vegan. The biodegradable bottle amenities take you a step closer to 100% sustainable hotel operations. Every day, millions of bottles of hotel amenities end up in the trash and are taken to landfills. Our go-green amenities make sure that in a million years, those bottles won’t still be sitting there.
While being sustainable, the product fits well into the quality standards. Performance is the key. That’s where our go green amenities excel: merging being green with luxury high grade products. Fintegic and SR dedicated to serve high quality personal care & guest amenity products assuring adherence to sustainable business principles at every point of
Project Presentation.
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